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How To Maintain The Fuel Tank Of The Tractor Truck

The maintenance of the fuel tank of the tractor truck is very important to maintain the performance of the vehicle and extend the life of the vehicle. Here are some common tank maintenance jobs:

Regular cleaning: The tank is used for a long time, the bottom will accumulate some impurities and water, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. Special tank cleaner can be used to clean the tank, while paying attention to check the bottom of the tank for oil leakage or water.
Check the tightness: poor tightness of the fuel tank will lead to oil leakage and affect the operation of the vehicle. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the tightness of the tank, including the tank cap, the tank mouth, the oil pump and other parts.
Replace the filter: The filter in the fuel tank is an important part of protecting the oil pump and oil circuit, and needs to be replaced regularly. Under normal circumstances, the filter needs to be replaced every 5,000 kilometers.
Check the oil level: During the driving process, it is necessary to check the oil level of the tank regularly to ensure that the oil is sufficient. At the same time, we should also pay attention to check the quality of the oil, such as found that the oil deteriorates or contains impurities, should be replaced in time.
Keep the tank dry: When the humidity in the tank is high, it is easy to produce rust and water. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the inside of the tank dry, especially in the rainy season or wet weather.
Check the pipeline: The fuel tank and oil line are an important part of the vehicle fuel supply system and need to be checked regularly for oil leaks, blockages or aging. If problems are found, they should be dealt with in time.
In short, the tank maintenance work of the tractor truck needs to be carried out regularly, including cleaning, checking the tightness, replacing the filter, checking the oil level, keeping dry and checking the pipeline. These work can ensure the normal operation of the fuel tank and fuel supply system, thereby extending the service life of the vehicle.

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