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technological innovation

Component Composition Of Howo Tractor Truck

As a heavy-duty transportation vehicle, the components of the howo tractor truck are quite complex and diverse. Here is a brief introduction to some of the main components:

Engine: As the power source of trucks, the engine is responsible for providing sufficient power to vehicles to meet various transportation needs.
Driver's cab: Provides a comfortable driving environment for the driver, and is equipped with various control devices and instruments for easy operation and monitoring.
Chassis: The chassis is the main structure of a truck, carrying the engine, cab, and other important components, while ensuring the stability and safety of the vehicle during operation.
Transmission system: including components such as clutch, gearbox, and transmission shaft, responsible for transmitting power from the engine to the wheels to achieve vehicle operation.
Driving system: mainly composed of wheels, tires, suspension devices, etc., to ensure smooth driving of the vehicle in various road conditions.
Brake system: used to control the driving speed or parking of a vehicle, including service brakes, parking brakes, etc.
Electrical system: provides power supply to vehicles, including batteries, generators, various lighting and signal equipment, etc.
In addition, the howo tractor truck may also be equipped with components such as fuel tank, urea tank, battery, post-treatment system, air handling unit, EBS, airbag lifting control system, and other valve switches to meet different transportation needs and environmental standards.

Please note that the specific component composition may vary depending on the vehicle model, configuration, and manufacturer. Therefore, if more detailed information is needed, it is recommended to consult the official technical documentation of the howo tractor truck or consult relevant technical personnel.

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