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What Does A Truck Tire Inspection Include?

Tires are the legs of the car, so checking tires is an essential daily item, then what are the items of tire inspection, let's take a look at the main aspects of tire inspection.
(1) Check whether the wheel fastening nut is not fastened or loose.
(2) Rotate the tire by hand to check whether it is loose and worn.
(3) Check whether the tire is cracked, damaged, and whether there are nails, stones and other foreign objects squeezed into or stuck in the tread (ground) and around the two sides.
(4) Check whether the tire ground is abnormal wear or partial wear.
(5) Rotate the tires before and after to check whether they collide with the surrounding accessories. Check the tread wear display mark to confirm that the depth of the pattern exceeds the specified minimum value. If necessary, use a depth meter to measure (minimum tire pattern depth 1.6mm).
Routine inspection items of tires:
Tire pressure detection.
Check with the tire pressure gauge that the air pressure of the four wheels and spare tire is within the specified range values. If the tire pattern is less than 1.6mm or has been worn below the prompt line, the tire needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
Check tire pattern wear condition
Check whether the tire pattern wear is uniform, such as tire gnawing or partial wear, it is necessary to check the vehicle suspension system and four-wheel positioning of the vehicle as soon as possible.
Check for foreign matter in tire pattern
Check whether there are sharp or large foreign objects in the tire pattern, and remove them with a screwdriver if necessary.
Check tire usage
Check the outside side of the tire, whether there is a bulge or cracks, cuts;

Check tire valve nozzles for signs of aging or leakage.

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