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technological innovation

The Important Components Of Commercial Heavy Duty Trucks

Engine: This is the power source of the car, which generates power by burning fuel and then drives the wheels through the drivetrain to drive the car.
Chassis: Chassis includes drive train, travel system, steering system and brake system. The transmission system is responsible for transferring the power of the engine to the driving wheel, mainly including the clutch, gearbox, transmission shaft, drive axle and other components. The driving system is responsible for connecting the car assembly and components into a whole, supporting the whole vehicle and ensuring the normal running of the car, mainly including the frame, front axle, wheels, suspension and other components. The steering system ensures that the car can drive in the direction chosen by the driver, and mainly includes the steering control mechanism, the steering gear and the steering transmission device. The brake system mainly includes the brake operating mechanism, the brake and the transmission device, so that the car can slow down or stop.
Body: This is where the driver works and loads goods, mainly including the cab and compartment.
Electrical system: This is the electrical system that assists the driver to drive the car, including the battery, starting system, lighting equipment, meters, etc.

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Contact: Saferoad


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Add: No. 1, South Of Taifu Road, Liangshan Economic Development Zone